+27 74 254 8842 [email protected]

Featured Website


Implementing critical thinking skills in your workplace.


Cr!tical Th!nking

Adrienne Berkowitz’s passion is to equip people with skills for self and organisational growth.

She has used critical thinking as the foundation for all her training programmes and facilitation.

She is an exponent of lifelong and experiential learning and possesses a growth mindset, qualities she imparts in her engagements with people.

She has also lectured on various programmes in her own and other training institutions to corporates.

Adrienne’s network of associates extends to collaborating with highly qualified and experienced people in most disciplines relevant to improving organisational skills.

She customises her training programmes according to the specific needs of her clients.

You can visit Neville’s site here – www.academyofcriticalthinking.co.za

The Build


This build stretched just over 3 weeks before we launched the final product.  Adrienne was busy teaching at the final stages of the build and this lengthened the process.  She gave us the skeleton of her existing website where we could find all her business offerings compiled.
The brief was to move away from the current sombre look and feel.
After a few logo re-designs she settled with the new slanted and sharp typography and felt blue was a great representation of the theme she wanted to establish for the business.


For business purposes Adrienne had a previous site designed in an effort to get her services noticed online and to give peace of mind that her business was credible – a typical move for plenty other business’ looking to get noticed online.  However, she needed something more… Enter Digital Watermelon!


This layout for this website was created as we were working through the info from the previous website.  We wanted to give the site a welcoming feel and to keep the users attention as there is quite a bit of content that needs to be read and understood.  Various colours were added along with some subtle animations.


This website was built in/with WordPress

Theme Used

This website was built with the WordPress DIVI Theme