+27 74 254 8842 [email protected]

Featured Website




Youth Empowerment

The Louna Foundation is a NPO (Non-Profit Organization) which was formed back in 2015 after the late matriculant Lona Nxesi.  A young vibrant being who brought light wherever she had set foot.

The foundation targets unemployed youth between the ages of 15 and 25 years of age for work-based programmes to various and relevant work places.

You can visit their site here – www.LonaFoundation94.co.za

The Build


The foundation supplied a rather detailed description in a Company Profile document which aided in the speedy build of this website.  We managed to complete the build within a few days and very minimal changes were required before we launched the final website design.

The website is meant to be a single page with the option to expand at a later stage if they wished to do so.  The donations section can however be found on a separate page where the foundation’s banking details are shared.


We were asked to deliver a website that would symbolize the vibrant character of Lona Nxesi.  No formal colours were discussed and the final burgundy ‘look n feel’ was based off of the foundations unique logo colours. A detailed company profile was used to guide the build of this website.


An inviting layout was used for this build – based on a bold and trendy type layout which makes for easy information consumption.  The layout is supported by soft and simple object and text animations to keep the user’s attention focused on new information being introduced as they scroll down.


This website was built in/with WordPress

Theme Used

This website was built with the WordPress DIVI Theme